MEDI Systems India is the leading manufacturer of Medical Equipments particularly in PSYCHIATRY PSYCHOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY since April 1991.

Depth Perception Test

Depth Perception Test



Depth perception is an instrument to test the driving aptitude of the drivers how he perceives the vehicles in three dimentions.There are three rods of same height.The two rods at a distance of 30 mm from each other are fixed permanently at zero level while the middle rod is movable forward & backward .The subject sits at a distance of 1.5 meters away from the unit & looks the rods through a window of 3×3 inches. The deviation from straight alignment of the three rods which the subject assumes to be correct is read on the Digital scale. The unit is illuminated by LED light.


Movement of rods with remote box switches.
Distance between 2 fixed rods 30mm.
Range of movable rod ±180mm.
Length of remote switch wire 1.5 mtr.
LED high intensity light in the box.
Power 220v AC.operated

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We have our own dedicated team in Research & Development of entire range of equipments in Psychiatry & Psychology. MEDI SYSTEMS Quality Management system is certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 standards.

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